Dopo parecchi anni che aspettavamo tutto questo, rimaniamo tristemente delusi: GTA 5 Online dovrebbe essere online, ma non è utilizzabile. Ecco quanto riporta Forbes sul suo sito ufficiale:
The federal government isn’t the only thing not working today. October 1st also marks the launch of GTA Online, the multiplayer component of Grand Theft Auto V which allows players to create their own characters, commit crimes, earn money and buy things in the greater San Andreas area.
Rockstar predicted a buggy launch as things got rolling, and their prophecy has been proven correct. Though GTA Online is now live, I have come across very few that say it’s working for them.
Rather, the question seems to be where exactly the game is kicking you out at this point. After the install, you can choose to load up GTA Online directly, or switch to it using your character menu. The game will then put you into the character creator (more on that later) and then attempt to connect you to a session to start playing.
And that’s when things go awry. As of now, I have not been able to connect, and keep getting a “failure to host session” message that kicks be out of GTA Online and back to Michael, Trevor and Franklin in single player. I’ve heard other people get stuck in a queue line (a literal queue line in the game of characters all lined up), and still more not being able to start the game’s introductory race.
There’s a way around these initial connection problems, but only to a point. But launching myself a “solo only” session from the pause menu in single player, I was able to actually watch the intro to GTA Online which has Lamar picking up my mute character from the airport. He drops me off at the place where I’m supposed to start my race and….
I can’t get the race to start. The door to the car I’m supposed to use is locked, and when I leave the area, the game tells me to return to the parking lot. But I just can’t get in a vehicle. I did, however, manage to knock out two pedestrians and attract the cops, in true GTA fashion.
I’ll update this post as I keep trying to log on throughout the day, and hear what other people are saying about their attempts to do so. This all comes as no surprise, as Rockstar isn’t used to managing multiplayer launches this large. It’s still frustrating though.
So really, all I can comment on so far is the character creator, which is…odd. One of weirdest I’ve come across actually. Rather than adjusting the millimeters of your nose and cheekbone like in most games, GTA Online has you sorting through a bunch of different pairings of possible grandparents, which in turn create your parents, which in turn create you. You fashion your looks by choosing grandparents and then deciding which of them your parents resemble more, and which of your parents you resemble more. It’s a decent amount of work to fashion a face that looks halfway normal, if I’m being honest.
It’s more or less a randomized system, but I also learned that your “lifestyle” influences your look as well. Sinking weekly hours into “criminal activity” may increase your driving and shooting stat, but it will also make you look like a meth head. My character, a 22 year-old blonde woman named Evangeline, sunk so many points into “legal work” that they actually put her in a business suit. Put a lot of points into physical activity, and you’ll end up dressed like a marathon runner, and so on. I made Evangeline as wholesome as I could, with all her points in family, sports and legal work, and she’s as fresh faced as a daisy. I figure it will make her decline into a life of crime a lot more interesting, if only in my own head, though my shooting and driving stats are now less than a full bar each which may make that difficult.
Of course I made my character a woman after this article. I’m really curious to see how it feels to play as a woman in the GTA universe. There are already gender specific differences, like Lamar showing up with a rose when he picked me up at the airport and hitting on me during the drive to the race, and I’m curious to see what else the game will make of my gender.
I do wish I had a voice though. I’ve gotten used to self-created heroes with voices from Saints Row and Mass Effect, and it’s kind of a bummer not to have one here and be forced to pantomime my way through conversations. But even Rockstar has its resource limits, I suppose.
Anyway, more updates as I continue trying to log on throughout the day. Post your own successes or failures in the comments below. In the meantime, I’ll try to reach out to Rockstar directly to see if they have an ETA on all this getting sorted out.
Attendiamo un possible aggiornamento del gioco, che magari renderà passobile l'accesso ai server, per ora bloccati.
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